ReCo News For March

ReCollective Cofounder, Bryce, was interviewed by WHUP Radio 3-D News. Listen to learn more about ReCo’s journey and mission!


While ReCo hasn’t had any route updates since October, March brings changes to a few of our members! Members who had changes were notified by email in mid-February. So in March,
♻️ we are adding an additional Raleigh route to accommodate new members over the last few months! We try to minimize changes, but this became necessary.
♻️ we expanded ReCollective OneStop (our optional Organics Recycling Service) to now include not just parts of Durham but also parts of Cary and Raleigh! Existing members can add Food Scrap pickup with their Hard-to-Recycling materials by going to the Member Dashboard Shop. Depending on your location, you will have the option to choose either weekly ($33 / month) and/or two times per month ($21 / month) Food Scrap pickup.


Get to know your recycling route schedule! ReCo runs different recycling neighborhood routes on the same day each month. Neighborhoods are assigned to a specific week and also day within the month. For example, most of Chapell Hill is serviced on the first Wednesday of each month.

Use the Member Dashboard to manage your account, see upcoming pickup dates, request add-ons, and adjust notification preferences. We recommend you keep text/email message reminders on to not miss your pickup.