It was great to meet up with our friends at Orange Recycling Services on a beautiful day in Durham last week! Orange Recycling Services is a full-service commercial recycling company, locally owned and operated for over 32 years in the triangle area. The ReCollective partners with Orange Recycling Services to recycle plastic film, styrofoam, and paper to be shredded and recycled.

Our members last month recycled 1.5 pounds of plastic film or about 100 bags per household! 

The ReCollective partners with Triangle Ecycling to repurpose and recycle e-waste. Triangle Ecycling’s mission is to make Durham smarter, cleaner, and more equitable. It does this through tech education internships, computer refurbishing and e-waste recycling (100 tons in 2021), and donating computers to nonprofits and students in need.⁠

Local businesses and individuals can purchase like-new refurbished computers at discount prices on its eBay Store and its Triangle VIP Store. Buyers can select Local Pickup at either site and save on shipping

Our members last month collected about 4.75 pounds of e-waste per household! 

Triangle Ecycling even gave us this fantastic report that certifies the destruction of data on devices with hard drives!

Wow, that’s A LOT of styrofoam our members collected last month!⁠

Our members did a great job of collecting only the styrofoam we can recycle! Please remember- no food styrofoam or materials labeled #5 to keep our contamination rates low. Also, if your styrofoam bag is not full, wait to put it out until next month to reduce our plastic bag use.⁠