Recycling The Small Things

rubber band recycling

The ReCollective Finds Reuse for Bread Tags, Rubber Bands, & Twist Ties

ReCollecting bread tags, rubber bands, and twist ties keeps these small but persistent plastics and materials out of landfills, where they can take decades to break down. By diverting them for reuse, we reduce waste, conserve resources, and prevent plastic pollution in our environment.

Bread tags, rubber bands, and twist ties should be kept separate and placed in the ReCo Pick Bag during designated months.

Red background with corks, cords, and electronics to be recycled in Durham, Raleigh, Chapel Hill, Cary, Apex in Central North Carolina

Accepted Materials


  • Bread Tags
  • Rubber Bands
  • Twist Ties

Keep each item type separate—place bread tags, rubber bands, and twist ties in their own individual small bags or envelopes before adding them to your ReCo Pick Bag. 

No mixed materials—only plastic bread tags (no paper/cardboard), standard rubber bands (no silicone or fabric hair ties), and twist ties with plastic or paper coating (not bare wire).

ReCollective warehouse in Durham NC

How does The ReCollective recycle bread tags, rubber bands, and twist ties? 

Your bread tags, rubber bands, and twist ties are brought back to our Durham, NC warehouse, where they are sorted into categories and then distributed to our community partners.

At The ReCollective, we recycle bread tags, rubber bands, and twist ties across the Triangle, NC, including Durham, Raleigh, Cary, and Chapel Hill, as well as through our Almost Anything Bag Mailback program. We’re dedicated to giving your small items a second life.

bread tags, rubber bands, and twist ties are collected through the ReCo Pick in addition to our other core hard-to-recycle materials that are collected each pickup.

Our Partners Who Make Bread Tag, Rubber Bands, and Twist Tie Recycling Possible

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