The ReCollective doesn’t just help you divert our core monthly categories of materials: plastic film, lightbulbs, batteries, textiles, and styrofoam. We also select a special monthly material called the ReCo Pick. These items will be diverted through recycling or creative reuse partners. You’ll receive an email each month indicating what you can put in your ReCo Pick bag that month! To learn more about the ReCo Pick, read on.

All About The ReCo Pick

What is the ReCo Pick?

Besides the core categories which our service picks up monthly, we have an additional category called the ReCo Pick. There are some less regular items that still pile up, and we want to give you the opportunity to responsibly get rid of it! We’re talking about the ethernet cables you’ve saved “just in case,” those bottle caps and rubber bands that collect in your junk drawers, the scratched Teflon pan you can’t use but also can’t bring yourself to throw away. Now, with The ReCollective you can get this stuff out of your house, and know that it’s being recycled or creatively reused.

How do we choose the monthly pick?
We want to ensure that you get the most value out of being a member of The ReCollective. Our ReCo Pick helps us to divert more varied items while still offering a regular core service. We chose materials for the ReCo Pick that take a while to accumulate, but feel oh-so-satisfying to toss (and toss responsibly!)



BONUS PICK? The ReCollective members receive reusable canvas collection bags and a large waterproof bag for collection day, and included in that is a bag for our ReCo Picks (like wine corks or small electronics). We recognize though, that not everyone has the same lifestyle and some Picks might be of more value to you than others. So sometimes we will offer a Bonus Pick, one that might not fit in the ReCo Pick bag (like yard signs), or maybe too messy (printer cartridges), or something not everyone might have to get rid of (children’s toys). Our Bonus Pick is collected from your doorstep but we ask that if necessary, you BYOB (bring your own bag or box),  alongside the waterproof bag collection kit.

The ReCollective is committed to convenience, transparency, and advocacy to empower members so sign up for our newsletter to learn more about how we divert your ReCo Pick materials