Toward Zero Waste is a nonprofit organization located in North Carolina focused on helping individuals, families, and communities move toward zero waste by minimizing waste of all kinds, one step at a time. Check out TZW’s website to learn more about the work they do, volunteer opportunities, and donate.

TZW Co-founder Leigh Williams tried out The ReCollective Hard-To-Recycle Service and recently wrote a blog post about it!

In November, ReCo members from across the Triangle ReCollected about 800 lbs of non-perishable food, which was given to Feed Durham to distribute to those in need! Note, this picture is a view of the loading dock at our new warehouse in Durham.

In October, the EPA published an updated Food Waste Scale, which we think offers important insights into reducing our environmental impact! This update adds new categories and pathways. The EPA says, “Top pathways prioritize using food for its intended purpose: to nourish people. The least preferred pathways – landfilling, incineration, and sending food down the drain – have the largest environmental impacts and have limited potential for circularity.”
In line with these recommendations, ReCo members cleaned out their pantries in November for donation. ReCo also offers composting services as an add-on to existing hard-to-recycle members in many areas of Durham.

The ReCollective and Triangle Ecycling did a joint fundraiser for NC Conservation Network in September and October, with the ReCollective donating $10 for each sign-up in September and Triangle Ecycling donating $15 for each laptop collected in October during the Electronics ReCo Pick. $520 was raised through this effort, and Triangle Ecycling donated some of the laptops to Durham Public Schools.