News like this brings to the forefront why non-landfill solutions like The ReCollective are so crucial. Our linear economy makes it so hard to live in the modern world without overflowing landfills that are toxic for our communities, but ReCollecting makes it a little bit easier. Click to listen about this Alabama landfill fire, which has been burning for three months.

Partner Spotlight
In our economy and despite our best efforts, it can be hard to avoid collecting styrofoam and plastic bags! You can now recycle these materials responsibly by being a member of The ReCollective.

The ReCo team partners with Orange Recycling Services in Durham to recycle both styrofoam and plastic bags. Our members are ReCollecting so much of this material we are now dropping off full cargo vans of each styrofoam and plastic bags regularly. And since our launch in September last year, ReCo members have recycled an estimated 53,000 bags!♻

Plastic bags are densified into 1,000-pound bales. Styrofoam is compacted into blocks 1% of its original size! This all allows it to be efficiently, and with less environmental impact, shipped to end manufacturers and made into something new.