How the ReCollective Works

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Sign Up for the ReCollective hard-to-recycle service

Sign Up for the ReCollective!

Membership starts as low as $15.50/month for annual subscribers ($17/month billed monthly) and includes monthly collections of our standard accepted materials.

We operate in most areas of the Triangle of NC (Durham, Raleigh, Chapel Hill, Cary, and more!). Other locations will be added soon—signup today to fight overflowing landfills. If we are not in your area, we’ll add you to the waitlist! 

You Gather Your Hard-to-Recycle Materials

You Gather Your Materials

You will receive 4 labeled reusable canvas bags, 1 clear plastic bag for styrofoam, and a waterproof collection day bag. Place acceptable materials in the bags and keep them in a convenient location in your home throughout the month.

On collection day, place your labeled canvas bags in the waterproof collection bag on your front porch. If you have filled your styrofoam bag, place it outside as well. Otherwise, wait until the next month.

We Pick Up Your Materials Monthly

On your designated collection day, we remove your filled bags from your waterproof bag and leave you with clean canvas ReCo bags inside your waterproof bag for the next month.  You’ll get an email and/or text reminder about your collection day and the materials accepted each month.

We Divert Your Materials

Once we’ve picked up the materials from your home, they are sorted and sent to local recycling and creative reuse partners. They’ll get a second life and you can rest easy knowing you’ve saved items from the landfill!

The ReCollective Collection System

ReCo bags for collecting your hard-to-recycle materials

ReCollective members receive reusable canvas collection bags and a large waterproof bag for collection day. All of the canvas bags will fit inside the waterproof bag.

You will collect acceptable styrofoam in clear plastic garbage bags we provide. When your styrofoam bag is full, you can set it out on your collection day with your other materials. We only accept styrofoam bags when they are full. Please hold on to them for a future collection if they are only partially filled. Oh! And don’t worry, we recycle the plastic styrofoam bag, too!

Additional Add Ons

Beyond our standard collection items, there are additional items that we will pick up on your collection day when you pre-order in advance. This includes items like fluorescent tube bulbs (unbroken), latex paint, and shredded paper.

recollective provides hard-to-recycle and composting services to apartments

Do you live in an apartment or condominium? Whether it’s Hard-To-Recycle materials or Food Scraps, ReCo is here to help you recycle more!

All services are available, and if five or more neighbors sign up, ReCo can offer group discounts!


Where exactly does your stuff end up?

We work with these recycling and creative reuse partners to divert your unwanted stuff away from the landfill and into a second life!

How it Works





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Text Support: (919) 336-1765

Durham, NC 27701

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