
Clear Clamshells

ReCo recycles clear clamshells made of polyethylene terephthalate, abbreviated as PET or PETE. These include containers for berries, other vegetables, salads, herbs, some deli items, and some egg cartons. Some municipalities in our service area offer curbside recycling for clamshells. Please review your local recycling guidelines before deciding if you need ReCo’s clamshell service.

Since not all members require clamshell service, it is offered as an add-on. To request a clamshell bag ($5 to $7), please visit the Member Dashboard Shop.

Please check every item for the symbol, color/flex, and sound:

    • Symbol: has a recycle symbol #1
    • Color/Flex: clear and smooth with a very slight flex
    • Sound: distinct crinkly sound when squeezed


    • Remove any food debris
    • Materials should be clean and dry, but not necessarily spotless
    • Stickers and labels are OK to keep on! These are washed off in the recycling process
    • Place the clamshells in the provided blue bag

To prevent contamination, avoid these common material mistakes:

    • #3 PVC (polyvinyl chloride) is used for clear bottles but is less rigid and not commonly recycled.
    • #2 HDPE (high-density polyethylene) is used for milk jugs and detergent bottles, which are opaque rather than clear.
    • #6 PS (polystyrene) is often used in clamshell design takeout containers.

Where does the material go? Clamshells will primarily be recycled. We occasionally have opportunities to distribute clamshells to produce growers at local markets, but given the volume of clamshells, most will be recycled.

The ReCollective partners with Orange Recycling Services for clamshells. ORS is a commercial recycling company, locally owned and operated for over 34 years in Durham, and serves the entire Triangle.


Left Blank on Purpose

Left Blank on Purpose

Is there an extra cost for clamshell service?

Yes, we charge $7 per bag (or $25 for 5 bags if you want to buy ahead) to cover the cost of the bag, space in the van, preparation at our warehouse, and delivering the materials to the recycler.

Why is the clamshell service not included in the regular subscription?

Some of our members live in areas where clamshells are accepted curbside. Charging members who only need clamshell service helps us keep the subscription fee low.

What size is the provided bag?

13 gallons. Please consider stacking the clamshells to maximize the use of the bag.

How do I order the clamshell bag?

Order it in the Member Dashboard Shop, and it will be delivered on your next pickup.

Can I put clear plastic cups marked #1 PETE in the clamshell bag?

We don’t encourage the use of single-use cups, but we understand that sometimes there are no other options. Yes, you may put clean, clear cups marked #1 (PETE) in the clamshell bag.

Please make sure the cups are not #5, #6, or #7, which can look like PETE cups.

Can I put clamshells in the Plastic Film bag?

No, Plastic Film is a different material stream.

Will you still have a ReCo Pick clamshell month?

Yes, we still plan to offer clamshells as a ReCo Pick. We have many materials our members like collected through the ReCo Pick. As we try to fit all of these in the schedule, we expect clamshells to be about once a year.

Using the clamshell add-on is a great way to not use up space in your home for storing clamshells. 

How it Works





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Durham, NC 27701

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